Sheriff’s Investigators Say President’s Long Form Birth Certificate is a Fraud

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REPORT FROM MARICOPA COUNTY SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO – Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, along with Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Mike Zullo, held a news conference today regarding information stemming from an exhaustive examination into President Obama’s long form birth certificate.

Zullo told reporters that the information he developed confirms that the document presented to the American public by the White House in April 2011 is undoubtedly fraudulent.

The information developed during this stage of the investigation which underscores the fraudulent nature of the LFBC certificate was based partially upon an interview with the person whose signature actually appears on it.

Furthermore, the investigators conducted a close examination of Hawaii’s laws pertaining to registered births. Those laws essentially provide easy access to a Hawaii birth certificate, even if neither parent is a U.S. citizen. A birth certificate is a legal document which provides “proof” that an individual was born in the United States. It automatically grants a person U.S. citizenship. The investigation shows the way in which Hawaii officials currently distribute birth certificates may pose a serious flaw to our national security.

The Sheriff’s investigation into the President’s birth certificate authenticity question began in October, 2011, after 250 concerned Maricopa County citizens approached Sheriff Arpaio saying they had reason to believe that the electronic document presented in an April, 2011, news conference from the White House to the American public, as well as the citizens of Maricopa County, was a forgery.

Arpaio promised to look into the matter. Six months into the investigation, Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse concluded that there is probable cause to believe that the Obama’s birth certificate as well as his Selective Service registration card were, in fact, suspected forgeries.

How the investigators reached that conclusion was detailed in a March 1, 2012 press conference held by Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo, the lead investigator in the matter. (March 1 press release)

Since the public disclosure of those initial findings in March, Sheriff’s investigators tracked down a number of witnesses including persons of interest during a trip to the State of Hawaii in the furtherance of their investigation.

The Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse uncovered the following information which advances the assertion that a fraud has occurred:

Investigators learned that Hawaii Department of Health utilizes a coding system defined by the federal government to categorize and code the required information on all Birth Certificates registered by the state including those registered in 1961. This process involves writing specific number codes by hand and in pencil, placed next to relevant information contained on the birth certificate. The coding numbers seen on the President’s LFBC are not consistent with the coding responses required by the federal government to match the information presented. The incorrect codes indicate that the President’s LFBC has been altered or amended. (click here for video explanation)

Investigators tracked down the person who was the local registrar at the time of Obama’s birth who allegedly signed and coded the document which Obama now says proves his birth place as Hawaii. Verna K. Lee, now a 95 year-old woman, allegedly signed the document on August 8, 1961. She provided information about the vital information codes and their corresponding meanings. The information she provided challenges the President’s claim that his birthplace in 1961 was the Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital.

Sheriff’s investigators in Hawaii were stymied by the state registrar of the Hawaii Department of Health, Alvin Onaka, as well as the Attorney General’s Office in Honolulu when investigators asked to compare the White House version of the LFBC to the original document presumably held in Hawaii. Investigators met with the Hawaii Assistant Attorney General, Jill Nagamine. Nagamine refused to give Sheriff’s investigators permission to see the original birth documentation held by the Hawaii Department of Health which was used to create the President’s long form birth certificate. Furthermore, Nagamine refused to verify whether the PDF birth certificate released by the White House is in fact an exact copy of the document released to the President’s attorneys.

Perhaps more alarming than anything else, in the course of this investigation, lead investigator Mike Zullo came across information which demands immediate action by the federal government.

“If a nation’s security is only as strong as its weakest link, then America may be in serious trouble. Hawaii may be our weakest link and could have a serious impact on our nation’s immigration policy,” Arpaio says.

Arpaio and his investigators have learned that for decades and remaining today, Hawaii has extremely loose policies regarding birth records – who can acquire them and how they are distributed. Additionally, those policies in Hawaii state law appear to be in direct contradiction to U.S. Immigration policy.

Under Hawaii statute, a person only has to be an established resident of Hawaii, not necessarily a U.S. citizen, in that state and pay taxes there for one year to be able to register an out of state or foreign born person with an official Hawaii birth certificate.

The law, Hawaii Revised Statute 338-17.8 states:

“Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.”

Sheriff Arpaio and his investigators have grave concerns about this Hawaii Revised Statute believing it could be a gaping loophole that makes it possible for foreign born people to legally establish U.S. citizenship even if neither parent is an American citizen.

It is important to note that although this state law was not established until the early 1980’s long after President Obama’s birth, the laws that were in effect in 1961 were also researched by investigators and contain many similar concerns which allowed unattended births to be registered by persons simply knowing of the birth’s occurrence.

Sheriff Arpaio says, “Often investigations into one matter lead law enforcement officials to other issues of serious concern. This Hawaiian law may be a serious threat to national security and needs to be immediately addressed by the U.S. Government.”

Considering the fact that Hawaii appears to be very lax in its distribution of birth certificates, it is possible, though certainly not proven, that President Obama, through the actions of others, may have benefitted by the ease with which one can obtain a birth certificate proving U.S. citizenship.

Arpaio says his investigators will continue to delve into this matter but ultimately this investigation needs to be given to the proper authority to further.

“Through the hard work of Mike Zullo and his team of investigators we have pointed out some inconsistencies, or oddities, relating to the President’s birth certificate. Taken one by one they may not be terribly concerning. But put them altogether and they paint a picture of deception that requires a federal inquiry,” Arpaio says.

“My hope is that the U.S. Congress will take over from here if not to further the birth certificate forgery possibility, then at least to examine the state of Hawaii’s laws in regards to the issuance of birth certificates which may be permitting untold numbers of foreign born people to wrongly gain U.S. citizenship,” Arpaio says.

For more information regarding the analysis of the computerized document, click here.




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