Snowden Wants to Return to US

Edward Snowden, who has worked at the National Security Agency for the past four years in Hawaii, told The Guardian newspaper about clandestine surveillance programs that the government is conducting with its own citizens as the targets
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Edward Snowden, who has worked at the National Security Agency for the past four years in Hawaii, told The Guardian newspaper about clandestine surveillance programs that the government is conducting with its own citizens as the targets
Edward Snowden, who has worked at the National Security Agency for the past four years in Hawaii, told The Guardian newspaper about clandestine surveillance programs that the government is conducting with its own citizens as the targets

Fugitive self-proclaimed spy and NSA secrets leaker Edward Snowden who was based in Hawaii says he wants to return home to the United States.

In his first interview on U.S. television, Snowden told NBC-TV newsman Brian Williams Wednesday that he sees himself as a patriot, but that until he can return to the U.S. he plans to ask Russia to extend his asylum.

He sought to defend himself against charges by the Obama administration that he is a traitor who endangered lives by revealing the extent of an NSA spying program.

“I’d say, can you show that?,” he asked.  “Is there any demonstration?  Because I’ve been asking the United States, the press has been asking the United States government for a year now.  If after a year, they can’t show a single individual who’s been harmed in any way by this reporting, is it really so grave?  Is it really so serious? And can we really trust those claims without scrutinizing them?”

Asked whether he would make a deal to return, Snowden said he first wants to make “sure that these programs are reformed,” and that the family and country he left behind can be helped by his actions.  He said all three branches of the U.S. government have made reforms as a result of what he did.

“The reality is the situation determined that his needed to be told to the public. You know, the Constitution of the United States has been violated on a massive scale,” he said. “Now, had that not happened, had the government not gone too far and overreached – we wouldn’t be in a situation where whistleblowers were necessary. ”

The United States charged Snowden with theft and two counts of espionage after he revealed the breadth of National Security Agency surveillance programs, including the bulk collection of telephone and Internet data from Americans.

Earlier Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Snowden should “man up” and return to the United States to face espionage charges.

Snowden is living in asylum in Russia a year after leaking a vast cache of NSA documents to journalists that described clandestine U.S. spy operations around the world.  He passed on the documents to journalists at the British newspaper The Guardian and The Washington Post.

Snowden used the interview to rebut critics who described him as nothing more than a low-level analyst.  He said that he was “trained as a spy” and worked undercover overseas for the U.S. intelligence community




  1. it is too bad that the nsa,which has grown way out of proportion,and like all bloated bureaucracies has no idea what rthe the left and right hands are doing.and it's not only the nsa abusing due process by ignoring our 4th amendment rights.there are also the secret courts that these agencies go to to get "authorization" to wiretap American citizens.and the fact that president Obama can killamrican citizens simply by executive action which is unconstitutional.there are no excuses for these things. certainly not for national security.also consider what our government has been doing: illegal wiretapping of americans, illegal wars of aggression, criminal cia/state dept. arming,funding,training of terrorist organizations, cia drug running and money laundering through "too big to fail" banks,obamacare,false flags of 9/11,criminal irs attacks on political dissenters. and these activities have been outed by whistleblowers like snowden. we need more brave men and women like him to keep our country free and safe.

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