State Publishes List of “Green” Employers

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HONOLULU, HAWAII — The Hawai‘i State Department of Labor & Industrial Relations (DLIR) has launched a web-based directory of Green Employers as part of its Hawai‘i Green Jobs Initiative. Green employers—who work in areas such as renewable energy production and natural resource conservation—post profiles in the directory that describe their operations, specify their core occupations, and describe the skills and education they want in employees. Jobseekers access the employer profiles to learn about these companies and the workers they require.

The Hawai‘i Directory of Green Employers includes results from a 2010 survey conducted by the Hawai‘i Green Jobs Initiative to assess the number of green jobs in the private sector in the state. The online directory allows employers to update their information and new employers to add themselves to the directory.

“Hawai‘i has hundreds of Green Employers operating thousands of work sites—and through our Hawai‘i Green Jobs Initiative we are investing in the state’s workforce by providing training needed to work with green companies,” said DLIR Director Dwight Takamine. “Now we have developed a comprehensive, centralized tool for matching existing employers with potential employees. This is an important step forward as we continue to build a sustainable economy.”

To access the directory, go to

DLIR launched the Hawai‘i Green Jobs Initiative in December 2009 with federal funding under the ARRA to assist the State of Hawai‘i’s transition to a greener economy. The initial goal of the Hawai‘i Green Jobs Initiative is to generate green labor market information that users can be confident in. A core component of this green labor market information is an employers’ directory.

For more information about the Hawai‘i Green Jobs Initiative please visit



