State Releases 10-Year Report on Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services in Hawaii

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HONOLULU — The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (ADAD) has released its 10-year report on alcohol and drug treatment services in Hawaii from 2003 through 2012. The complete report is available at:

“The extensive report summarizes rates of treatment services in Hawaii and reflects substance abuse trends and areas of concern,” said Nancy Haag, ADAD division chief. “Compiling and analyzing trend data enables the department to prioritize and direct its limited resources toward the areas of greatest need in our communities.”

The 10-year trend report focuses on alcohol and drug treatment services provided by agencies funded by ADAD, and the report contains information on the socio-demographic characteristics of adolescents (age 17 and younger) and adults who were admitted to treatment programs. In 2012, ADAD funded nine agencies that offered services to adolescents at 88 sites and 19 agencies that offered services to adults at 46 sites.

Some notable trends:

Between 2003 and 2012, the number of state-funded sites serving adolescents increased by 137.8 percent (from 37 to 88 sties), and the number of sites serving adults increased by 21.1 percent (from 38 to 46 sites).

In 2012, admissions of adults ages 18 to 49 accounted for the largest share of services (51.6 percent), followed by admissions of adolescents (39.9 percent), then admissions of older adults age 50 and older (8.5 percent). The same trend had been observed for the 10-year time period for 2003 to 2012.

Across 10 years, marijuana was the primary substance used at the time of admissions for the majority of adolescent (52.8 – 63.1 percent), followed by alcohol (26.9 – 39.9 percent). For adults ages 18 to 49 years, methamphetamine, also known as “ice,” was the most frequently reported primary substance (42.4 – 53.2 percent), followed by alcohol (21.8 – 31.5 percent). Alcohol was the most frequently used primary substance for older adults 50 years and older (52.2 – 64.1 percent). During the most recent eight years, methamphetamine was the second most frequently used primary substance (18.5 – 27.9 percent).

Among discharged cases over the 10-year period, the majority completed treatment with no drug use (39.2 – 46.5 percent) or with some drug use (14.5 – 18.3 percent). About one quarter left the facility before completing treatment (21.6 – 29.7 percent), and 12.4 – 14.7 percent was discharged due to non-compliance with program rules. A very small percentage of clients (0.8 – 1.9 percent) were incarcerated or died while receiving treatment.

The DOH Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (ADAD) provides leadership for the development and delivery of quality substance abuse prevention, intervention and treatment services for Hawaii residents. ADAD is the primary and often sole source of public funds for substance abuse treatment in the state. Treatment efforts are designed to promote a culturally appropriate, comprehensive system of services to meet the treatment and recovery needs of individuals and families, and provide priority admission for pregnant women and injection drug users.




  1. I had to go to rehab and I was actually surprised by the amount of people there for marijuana. I personally in for alcohol. Even listening to peoples story's I never really felt like pot was an addictive drug. My parents sent me to and I was there for about 3 weeks. Luckily I've never got in trouble with it again. Don't really plan to either.

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