Sudafed, Like Firearms, Shouldn't Have to Be Registered-Taking Aim at Junk Government Policy

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“Malia Lt Blue top Image”

The aggressive proposal to rid Hawaii of illegal drugs released Tuesday, Jan, 18, 2005, by Lt. Gov. James R. “Duke” Aiona, Jr. and his 90-member taskforce includes a series of initiatives the Lingle-Aiona Administration will propose to the Legislature for the 2005 session.


While most of the proposal sounds plausible, there is at least one idea that is outrageous, and without a doubt, makes government more invasive in the lives of Hawaii citizens and visitors, and less credible in the fight against illegal drug use.

That idea? Control the sale of drugs and equipment used to make illegal drugs by limiting the retail sale of over-the-counter drugs that can be used to manufacture crystal methamphetamine or “ice,” including drugs containing pseudoephedrine and ephedrine.

That means visitors and residents with a cold or allergy wanting to buy such products as Sudafed, would have to register their purchase with the pharmacist, and ultimately, the government.

Kind of like the bad “big brother is watching” portions of the Patriot Act all rolled into one Sudafed box.

While the lieutenant governor says the purchase of these products to create illegal drugs has become a big problem in Hawaii, previous statements to ”’Hawaii Reporter”’ by U.S. Attorney Ed Kubo, the highest law enforcement officer in Hawaii, contradict Aiona


