The Eliza Doolittle Rule

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Here is a one sentence summary of the controversy over a fixed rail system for Oahu:

“Faith in train on Ewa plain falls mainly in refrain, not brain.”

That is, of course, based upon the musical line offered by Professor Higgins in the stage play “My Fair Lady” as he struggled to teach Eliza Doolittle to speak clearly. Knowing that origin is instructive because, if built, the train in question offers to actually “do little” to reduce road traffic. The obvious question then is “why do it?” The ditty above addresses that query.

It might be called the Eliza Doolittle rule. Are you listening, Honolulu City Council?

”’Richard O. Rowland is the President of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii. See more at or email Mr. Rowland at”’

”’ reports the real news, and prints all editorials submitted, even if they do not represent the viewpoint of the editors, as long as they are written clearly. Send editorials to”’

