The Myth of a Scientific Consensus on Climate Change

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”’Author’s note: I noticed in Hawaii Reporter a recent statement by guest commentator Todd Shelly in his piece “Bashing the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming” that addresses the contentious debate about whether or not there is a general consensus on the science of global warming. Regrettably, Mr Shelly has made a number of erroneous and misleading comments regarding my research which I would like to correct. Please find attached my brief response which I hope will help your readers to make up their own minds about this ongoing scientific controversy.”’

“Ever since Arrhenius first predicted global warming in 1896, it has been fiercely debated. So it would be true to say the evidence is still disputed.”


The assertion that the science of global warming is “fiercely debated” and “still disputed” has been scorned. Yet it is worth remembering that it was Britain


