TSA Will Offer Expedited Screening for Wounded Warriors

Wounded Warriors (file photo)
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Wounded Warriors (file photo)

Washington, DC – Today, The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced that our nation’s Wounded Warriors will be allowed expedited screening as they travel through our nation’s airports. Starting immediately, Wounded Warriors, when scheduled in advance with TSA, will be escorted through the security checkpoint and will be eligible for expedited screening through TSA PreCheck.  This means that both active duty members of the military and veterans with severe injuries will no longer need to remove their shoes, light outerwear jackets or hats when passing through checkpoints.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02), member of the Committee on Homeland Security, has been a champion of Wounded Warriors and last week introduced the bipartisan “Helping Heroes Fly Act” (H.R.1344) mandating that TSA implement the policy changes announced today.  Rep. Tulsi Gabbard released the following statement on the announcement:


“I’m pleased to see this action being taken by the TSA in order to address the problems our severely wounded men and women are experiencing. It upholds the highest levels of security while affording a trusted group of citizens the dignity and respect they deserve. I have expressed the importance of this issue to TSA Administrator John Pistole, and look forward to passage of the Helping Heroes Fly Actwhich will build on these adjustments and ensure that these changes are permanent.”

Rep. Cedric L. Richmond (D-LA), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Subcommittee and an original cosponsor of the legislation, released the following statement on announcement:

“Less than two weeks ago, I urged TSA Administrator John Pistole to include wounded warriors in the PreCheck program so I am extremely pleased with TSA’s announcement today. This country has a duty to honor its veterans and active duty service men and women, especially the wounded and disabled.  Expanding the PreCheck program will offer a measure of relief to our wounded warriors and ensure that they are treated with respect and dignity while traveling. Moving forward, I urge my colleagues in Congress to support The Helping Heroes Fly Act, which I introduced last week with Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, to ensure that this policy will remain in place permanently.”


More information on H.R. 1344: the Helping Heroes Fly Act

Submitted by US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s office.





  1. Sure, unless you are a soldier with prosthetic legs, in which case TSA will remove them and humiliate you in public. This program has been in place for over a year and now conveniently gets released after they assaulted a Marine last week.

    This is just TSA propaganda posing as news. It is part of their effort to increase the percentage of positive news stories to report to Congress.

    • I didn't knew this. Thanks for sharing. I was thinking that TSA only wants to make good things but it seems like it don't.

  2. if the US Gov't. hadn't gone to war in Iraq,Afghanistan we wouldn't haveany wounded warriors for TSA to harass. oh Man!! what a waste of good decent young men and women and what our government has done to them and their loved ones!!

  3. They could still harass WW2 vets, Korean Conflict vets, Vietnam vets, Grenada vets, regular vets…just saying, there are a lot of vets out there for the TSA to harass.

  4. TSA will expedite searches for former soldiers,marines who survived mustard gas and pepper sprays because they are seasoned veterans.

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