UHERO Wins AUBER 2011 Website Award

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The University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization is proud to announce that its website, www.uhero.hawaii.edu, has received the Association for University Business and Economic Research’s 2011 Website Award!

UHERO is constantly improving and expanding website features to make uhero.hawaii.edu an excellent resource for its users and visitors. Recent additions to the website include a new chart gallery, the UHERO Blog with the latest analysis of the Hawai’i economy and the addition of the UHERO forum on facebook.


An important feature of the website is the UHERO Data Portal, a free online resource that provides access to the most up to date information on a wide array of economic and social indicators for the State and County economies. The Data Portal is made possible through the generous support of sponsors, including lead support from the Bank of Hawaii. This support is a key factor in UHERO’s ability to maintain the high quality level of research and service that it does. Content from weekly UHERO appearances on KITV, and forecast report summaries available for public viewing can be accessed on the site as well.

The AUBER Website Award honors the center whose website effectively and efficiently communicates with its constituents in terms of design, content, organization and more. Past recipients of the website award include the Economic and Business Research Center of the University of Arizona (2010) and the Center for Business and Economic Research of Ball State University (2009). AUBER—the Association for University Business and Economic Research.

AUBER is a professional association of business and economic research centers in public and private universities. Founded in 1947, it strives to unite its members in the shared purpose of advancing economic research, promoting the collection and dissemination of economic information, facilitating the improvement in the services of its members, and demonstrating the importance of the economic development, outreach and research roles of its members.

The annual AUBER conference will be held in Honolulu in 2012.


