WSJ’s John Fund Keynotes Smart Business Hawaii Conference; Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald Speaks on Judicial Reform and Business Impact

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John Fund, editorial columnist for the Wall Street Journal and American Spectator, and political commentator for Fox News and a number of other media outlets, will keynote the Smart Business Hawaii (SBH) annual conference on Wednesday, January 9, at the Ala Moana Hotel.

SBH will feature a number of other top speakers at the business conference, “Smart Business 2012Climate Change for Hawaii Business?”, including Wendell Cox of Demographia and Jonathan Williams of American Legislative Exchange Council.

Hawaii’s Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald, Hawaiian Airlines CEO Mark Dunkerly, Former Congressman Ed Case and Computer Minute’s Peter Kay also will participate in the conference.

To register, call Smart Business Hawaii at 396-1724 and for more information, log onto 

The conference is sponsored by McDonalds of Hawaii

Here is the agenda:



7:00 am    Registration and Coffee  –  Garden Lanai

Network and Visit Business Exhibit Tables – Foyer


7:45 am    Aloha and Welcome – 

              Sam Slom, President, Smart Business Hawaii (SBH)


8:00      “Hawaii’s Visitor Industry & Our Economic Prosperity”

Mark Dunkerley, CEO, Hawaiian Airlines

8:30      “Social Media Secrets for Your Business”

Peter Kay, President, CymberCom, Inc. and Your Computer Minute


9:00      “Strategies for Hawaii’s Business Recovery ”

Tyler Roukema, Outback Steak House, Hawaii Kai

Marissa Capelouto, Oahu Express, Ltd.

Matthew Longfellow, Valpak of Hawaii

Moderator: Geal Talbert, UBS Financial Services


9:45 }        Brief  Refreshment Break

10:00 }            Visit Business Exhibits (Foyer)

10:00    “Major Honolulu Infrastructure Projects: Setting Priorities and Can We Afford Them?”

Dr. Wendell Cox, Principal of Demographia (Wendell Cox Consultancy)


10:30    “Rich States, Poor States: Where Does Hawaii Stand?”

              Jonathan Williams, VP, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

11:00    “Judicial Reform and Business Impact in Hawaii”

Mark Recktenwald, Chief Justice, Hawaii Supreme Court


11:30    “Hear From the 2012 Hawaii Candidates”

12 noon       Luncheon and Program

Hibiscus Ballroom I & II


1:00      Keynote Speech:

John Fund, The Wall Street Journal

Business & Political Journalist, Author

Popular FOX Television Public Affairs Opinion Panelist

The 2012 Election and the Impact on the Economy

2:00 pm  Adjournment  • Mahalo for attending!

SBH Leadership Circle Members/Sponsors Only

Private Meeting with John Fund, 2:15 pm

