A Conservative View – April 24, 2003-Codependents Wanted; Santorum and Gays; It’s All Our Fault: America the Imperialist Successor to the USSR; Truth Revealed; Poor Cry Baby; SARS and AIDS; Wisdom from the Left; This Bud is (NOT) for You; Some Alternatives; And for You, Our Straight Bruddahs

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”Codependents Wanted”

“The stereotype of a fag hag is of a high-strung, needy woman — Debra Messing and Megan Mullally on television’s ‘Will & Grace,’ Julia Roberts in ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’ and Tori Spelling in the indie comedy ‘Trick.’ Their foils are always gay men who can’t seem to get any. In some ways, the relationships are adolescent, possessive and codependent. My gay friends and I chuckle at the parody, which at times rings true.”

Vanessa Hua, writing in the San Francisco Chronicle, December 26, 2002. Who says nothing good comes out of San Francisco? Hawaii nominations being accepted. You know who they are with their apron strings fashioned from iron chains, flying through the air on broom sticks above the H-1 Freeway. So do we.

”Santorum and Gays”

News came Tuesday morning that Pennsylvania’s GOP Senator Rick Santorum stated some personal opinions as reported by the Associated Press. According to the AP and subsequently news sources, he voiced a continuation of sodomy laws, then compared homosexuality with polygamy, adultery, and incest. The Log Cabin Republicans issued a press release that read, in part: “There is nothing conservative about allowing law enforcement officials to enter the home of any American and arrest them for simply being gay

