REPORT FROM CAM CAVASSO’S U.S. SENATE CAMPAIGN – U.S. Senate Candidate Cam Cavasso wants to know if U.S. Senator Brian Schatz supports Senator Mazie Hirono’s objection last Thursday, September 18, 2014, to the Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014[1]. Hirono’s objection effectively allows ISIS terrorists to continue to retain their U.S. Citizenship, and increases the risk of terror on U.S. soil.
On Thursday, Senator Cruz sought unanimous support of the members of the U.S. Senate for Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014. Hawaii Senator Hirono spoke and objected to the bill drawing on a technicality to block it on behalf of democrats. The proposed law would effectively remove the privilege of U.S. citizenship from those who actively engage in terrorism against the U.S.
Cam Cavasso said: “I want to know if Senator Schatz was complicit in democrat Senator Hirono’s objection to the Expatriate Terrorist Act. Does Senator Schatz believe that these terrorists have not renounced their U.S. citizenship when they fight with ISIS?  I believe these people have effectively renounced their U.S. citizenship when they go to fight for ISIS, a foreign organization, and seek to do harm to the U.S. and U.S. citizens.
“What in the world went through our Hawaii Senator’s mind when she chose to be the spokesperson for democrats to object to a bill to that would help protect law abiding U.S. citizens on U.S. soil, and instead she chose to actively object on a technicality to protect and maintain constitutional rights and U.S. citizenship for ISIS terrorists? This is partisanship at its worst and it is what is wrong with our elected officials in Washington. If elected, come November, I plan to vote on behalf of what is right, and not on party lines.”
On September 8, 2014, the Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014 was introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, in last week’s Senate Armed Services Committee, is reported to have approximated the number of U.S. citizens fighting with ISIS as to be about a hundred.
Senator Cruz said Chuck Hagel agreed with his characterization that these members of ISIS pose a significant risk that they “…will take U.S. passports…after fighting with ISIS, after training with ISIS, to come back and commit unspeakable acts of terror here at home.”[2
Reading her prepared speech, Hirono objected on a technicality, specifically that this bill had not been brought before the Judiciary Committee, and that stripping citizenship from U.S. citizens is a serious issue raising significant constitutional issues. Hirono entered letters dated September 17, 2014, from the Bipartisan Constitution Project and the ACLU in support of her objection.
Cruz explained that the Bill had not gone through Committee because the Senate is expected to adjourn this week as Senators return to their states to campaign for their elections, and that if it was to go through committee it would be able to prevent people fighting now for ISIS from coming back and murdering other Americans.
Cruz stated that there is an “urgency and exigency of this situation.” He further indicated that the Senate had considered this legislation as bipartisan legislation on a previous occasion and it is unfortunate that the democrats object to this common sense legislation. Cruz reminded us that the long recognized current law says if you go and take up arms of a foreign nation you constructively renounce your U.S. citizenship.
Cruz said that all this law does is put ISIS in the same category as a foreign nation when a U.S. citizen takes up arms. Cruz questioned why anyone would want a person who had participated in beheadings, murders and crucifixions, to arrive in the U.S. and walk onto U.S. streets. Cruz suggested that democrats were blocking the legislation because of politics and hoped that would change in the future.
Cavasso adds “I, for one, want to know if Schatz is of the same mind as Senator Hirono.”
[1] https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/s2779#overview
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC1vC0kM6sc
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