City Taxpayers Are Bearing the Bulk of the Expense for Waimea Valley Purchase; How is This Justified When Property Taxes are Already Sky High?

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The Waimea Valley ahupuaa has been spared the developer’s spade, and ownership of the entire parcel has been transferred to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

Several groups contributed to the purchase; the largest amount, $5 million, came from the City and County of Honolulu. Since the bulk of the County’s finances are derived from property taxes, it can be assumed that Oahu property owners bore the greater expense in the purchase of the valley.

How was this justified?

By what logic would the supposedly cash-strapped City and County of Honolulu be compelled to contribute funds for the purchase of property, the deed to which was ultimately conferred to a semi-autonomous State agency which has a surplus of $400 million?

Considering Mayor Mufi Hannemann’s recent suggestion that Oahu homeowners take out home equity loans to cover increases in their property taxes, the City’s participation in the purchase of the Waimea ahupuaa seems a bit excessive.

”’Erick Ahlgren, a resident of Kailua, can be reached via email at”’

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