Submitted by the Republican Governors Association – The Tarrance Group is pleased to present the following findings from our ongoing polling efforts in Hawaii. The Republican Governors Association commissioned The Tarrance Group to conduct a series of surveys in Hawaii.
A telephone survey of N=800 registered ³likely² voters have been conducted each week. A random sample of this type is likely to yield a margin of error of +3.5% in 95 out of 100 cases.
Our polling continues to indicate a very close election in Hawaii, despite the overwhelming registration advantage of Democrats. Notice that Sen. David Ige seems topped out at 39% of the vote. Turnout projections suggest that the difference between the candidates could be as little as a single digit were the election held today (Oct. 23).
The difference between the two candidates is within the margin of error of the survey and there are plenty of voters yet to make up their minds.
10/09 -10/16 – 10/22
% % %
Aiona 33 37 36
Ige 39 39 39
Hannemann 12 10 12
Davis 2 3 3
Undecided 14 11 11