Hawaii Less Obese than other States; KaiserAir Looking at Kona Flights; Sovereignty and Grand Wailea

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Hawaii is one of the leanest states in the nation according to a new report.

Gallup Inc. said an analysis shows Hawaii is the second least obese state in the country, with only 20.4 percent of people having a Body Mass Index of 30 percent or more.

Only Colorado (20 percent) was better than the Aloha State. West Virginia had the worst results with little more than a third of its population estimated to be obese.

Gallup said the report of telephone surveys in which people were asked their height and weight, from which a Body Mass Index was calculated. Nationally a little more than one-quarter of people are obese (26.6 percent).

Such studies have been criticized on the basis of masking obesity being higher in certain groups of people.

KaiserAir to Operate Oakland-Kona Flights

KaiserAir Inc. said it had received FAA certification that will allow it to operate a Boeing 737-700 aircraft between Oakland International Airport’s North Field and Kona starting this month.

The company said it will provide an “all-premier” passenger service with the jet configured with 60 seats for private carriage.

KaiserAir said it was founded in 1980 as a spin-off company after the voluntary liquidation of the Kaiser family of companies. Its primary business is providing full service aviation management services to owners of business jet aircraft.

It also offers charter services aboard Cessna and Gulfstream aircraft and has transported former U.S. Presidents, European Royalty and corporate executives.

Sovereignty Group Contesting Grand Wailea Bankruptcy Case

A Hawaiian sovereignty group that says they represent the King Kamehameha III Estate is objecting to the bankruptcy and possible sale of the Grand Wailea resort.

The Executrix Office of the Maui-based estate recently sent a letter to the New York bankruptcy court overseeing the bankruptcy that includes the Grand Wailea, disputing the court’s basis for overseeing the matter. It contends the court isn’t authorized to administer the case because the U.S. has no jurisdiction over Hawaii.

The letter, which also was sent to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a Singapore investment fund that’s wants to buy the Grand Wailea and other properties, says any effort to oversee the sale represents deprivation of human rights and international money laundering.

“It is a dispositive fact that your office and you do NOT have possession of the legally required written express delegation of authority and powers to administrate over the descendents Estate held in private trust for the beneficiaries,” said the letter, which also alludes to the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy and refers to the United States as a belligerent occupier.

King Kamehameha III lived 1813 to 1854 and was the longest serving Hawaiian Monarch.

Hawaii Home Prices Among Highest for Appreciation in January

Hawaii had the fourth-highest increase in home prices in January, according to a study tracking housing appreciation nationally.

CoreLogic, a provider of information and analytics, said Hawaii prices rose by 0.7 percent compared to a year earlier, or fourth-highest nationally. That compared to the national average falling 5.7 percent during the month.

Hawaii also had the top price gain when distressed sales such as foreclosures were excluded from the data. The company found non-distressed prices rose 7 percent during the month in the state.

Nationally non-distressed prices were off 1.6 percent compared to a year earlier.

Daylight Savings Time on Mainland this Sunday

The time difference between Hawaii and the West Coast will increase to three hours from the current two hours on Sunday, when Daylight Savings Time goes into effect.

People in all states but Arizona and Hawaii will set their clocks one hour ahead at 2 a.m. local time. The practice was started so that sunrise is at a later hour, shifting more hours of sunlight into the evening.




  1. If the Gallup telephone poll found that Hawaii residents were less obese than the rest of the country, it must be because many could not move their fat butts fast enough to answer the phone.

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