Hawaii’s Superferry – What You Need to Know

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Beginning July 2007, Hawaii’s Superferry will begin service between Oahu to Maui and Oahu to Kauai. While this is an exciting prospect for many travelers, some unwanted hitchhikers may also try and catch a ride. With the added convenience of bringing our car and other goods with us to the neighbor islands comes the added risk of spreading unwanted pests such as seeds from weedy plants, coqui frogs, and insects that travel in plant material. Although the Superferry will inspect vehicles and cargo for such pests, travelers can be a step ahead of the process by becoming aware:

”Be Weed Wise and Wash Your Car”

Do you have hitchhikers on your car? The dirt in your tires or on your car may contain seeds of invasive plants like Koster’s curse, fountain grass, and even miconia. These weeds block access to recreation areas and endanger our native forest. Help stop seed spread–wash your car before bringing it on the Superferry.

The Little Fire Ant is a new type of stinging red ant

