Sammye-Ann Kuualoha Young: Hawaii County Candidate

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Hawaii County Candidate Questionnaire for 2010

Name: Sammye-Ann Kuualoha Young

Current job: Halau Na Lei Hiwahiwa `O Ku`ualoha, Kumu Hula
Hawaii Community College, Full time student, Certificate in Human Services


Residence, how long you’ve lived in the district: 15 years


Background that qualifies you for the position:

Raised on Hawai`i island since the age of 7,  I graduated from Waiakea High School in 1987 and Hawai`i Community College in 2000 with anAssociates of Applied Science degree in Food Service and currently attending HawCC to attain my certificate in Human Services.  I have been honored to earn Papa Uniki Of Halau Hula `O Kahikilaulani, Kumu Hula Rae Kahikilaulani Fonseca.  I ran a successful home based business for many years.  In addition, I am a member of the Ahahui Ka`ahumanu Helu `Ekolu, which has very significant Hawaiian values and traditions.  I also volunteer my time with Kamehameha Schools Hawaii, PIHA and many other organizations.  I am disciplined, methodical and believe that communication is key to a successful community.


What else have you run for? Have you been in public office before and if so, what position?

I have never ran for public office before.


What are the biggest issue in your district and your proposed solutions?

Education to Hawaii’s keiki should be our first and utmost priority.  I strongly believe decision making authority should be within our schools. I stand behind and support our professional teachers in Hawaii County.  They deal with budget cutbacks, inadequate infrastructures daily and continuous growing student populations.  I will help to provide clean and safe schools.  I will work diligently to implement programs with the help of community leaders and school officials. I encourage both early childhood and higher education in hopes that they become successful entrepreneurs and strong leaders within our community.


What is your position on county taxes and fees? Are they high enough or should they continue to increase?

I believe that right now in our county raising taxes would not be a wise move as we are taxed to the limit. However, raising certain fees of services the county provides could be an avenue we should look into.  There are current services being offered at this time that could use a little hike in fees to help offset the costs of operating them.


Would you sign a pledge not to raise taxes in the future by introducing legislation or supporting legislation that raises taxes? I would not sign a pledge not to raise taxes in the future.  I only say this as I do not know what the future will be like and what other issues we may face being locked into a pledge like this may force me to break a promise I truly never want to do. I will however always take a look at other ways of making the budget work for all.



Please share the most interesting thing about yourself.

The most interesting thing about me would be that I am a single mom who enjoys every moment in being a parent to my daughter.  I cherish the special times and embrace the hard ones with her as we travel this windy road together.



If you could ask any of your competitors one question, what would you ask and to who?

How have you improved life in your district since you have taken office? Donald Ikeda



Endorsements? None


Contact information


Phone: 808-935-9200


Mail: P.O. Box 5028 Hilo, HI 96720

