Applicants Sought for Hawaii Supreme Court Disciplinary Board

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The Hawaii Supreme Court is seeking applicants to fill six lawyer and non-lawyer positions on the Disciplinary Board of the Hawaii Supreme Court.

The Board’s duties include overseeing the Office of Disciplinary Counsel, which investigates allegations of attorney misconduct and incapacity, and recommending appropriate action to the Hawaii Supreme Court.

Four of the expiring positions on the 18-member Board are currently filled by lawyers; another two expiring positions are held by non-lawyers. The new terms will begin on July 1, 2011 and last for three years. The positions are not compensated. Travel costs are reimbursable. Applicants from all islands are being sought.

Qualifications for these positions include sound judgment and a willingness and ability to devote time to perform necessary duties including learning the procedures, methods and functions of the Board. Other qualifications may include experience in specialized areas that aid in the evaluations and analysis of complaints and recommendations for discipline.

The application deadline is April 30, 2011. Those interested in serving should submit a resume and letter indicating their interest to:

Gayle J. Lau, Chair, Nominating Committee, Supreme Court of Hawaii
P.O. Box 26436
Honolulu, HI 96825-6436


Submitted by the Hawaii State Judiciary

