How Hawaii’s elected offcials voted – June 23, 2014

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U.S. Capitol - Illustration by Emily Metcalf
U.S. Capitol – Illustration by Emily Metcalf

June 23, 2014 – In this MegaVote for Hawaii’s 1st and 2nd Congressional District:

Recent Congressional Votes

Senate: Fiscal 2015 Appropriations Minibus ‘Shell’ – Cloture
House: Fiscal 2015 Defense Appropriations – Passage

Upcoming Congressional Bills

Senate: Workforce Investment Act Reauthorization
House: CFTC Reauthorization

Recent Senate Votes

Fiscal 2015 Appropriations Minibus ‘Shell’ – Cloture – Vote Agreed to (95-3, 2 Not Voting)

The Senate invoked cloture on the motion to proceed to the bill that would that would provide for $51.2 billion in discretionary spending in fiscal 2015 for the departments of Commerce and Justice and other science agencies such as NASA and the National Science Foundation. The bill is intended to serve as the legislative vehicle for the Senate’s Commerce-Justice-Science, Transportation-HUD and Agriculture spending bills for fiscal 2015.

  • Sen. Brian Schatz voted YES
  • Sen. Mazie Hirono voted YES

Recent House Votes

Fiscal 2015 Defense Appropriations – Passage – Vote Passed (340-73, 18 Not Voting)

The House passed a bill that would provide $570.4 billion in non-war discretionary funding for the Defense Department in fiscal 2015. It also would provide $79.4 billion in fiscal 2015 for contingency funds to support operations in Afghanistan and the general war on terrorism.

  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard voted YES
  • Rep. Colleen Hanabusa voted YES

Upcoming Votes

Workforce Investment Act Reauthorization – HR803

The Senate is expected to vote on this bill that would overhaul and reauthorize the 1998 Workforce Investment Act.

CFTC Reauthorization – HR4413

The House is expected to vote on this bill that would reauthorize the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and shield nonfinancial companies from some of the rules on derivatives in the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulatory overhaul.

