University of Hawaii Regents To Discuss President Greenwood’s Contract

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The University of Hawaii Board of Regents has scheduled a discussion of President M.R.C. Greenwood’s employment contract at the board’s meeting next week.

M.R.C. Greenwood

Management of the university under Greenwood’s tenure was the center of discussion at a pair of state Senate Committee meetings last week and this week.

One faculty member, Professor Noel Kent, has asked the UH Faculty Senate for a “no confidence” vote on Greenwood later this month.

The agenda for next Friday’s Regents’ meeting has only one item scheduled:

“Discussion of Appointment Agreement of M.R.C. Greenwood.”

The discussion will be held behind closed doors in executive session, according to the agenda.

The senate hearings were held by a special committee formed after the University lost $200,000 because of a cancelled August fundraising concert by entertainer Stevie Wonder.

Greenwood has said the money was lost to fraud.

University officials removed Athletic Director Jim Donovan because of the cancelled concert, now known as the “Wonder Blunder,” but later restored him to another $200,000-per-year job after he threatened a defamation lawsuit.

Greenwood’s employment contract is good until 2015. She is paid $425,000 per year, plus a $5,000-per-month housing allowance.




  1. Does Greenwood really know whats going on at Manoa? This all happened under her watch. All those highly paid educated have no business at Manoa… Get rid of them all.

  2. She is the one that authorized it to happen. Do you really think an Athletic Director has the power to spend $200,000?! Marcy was one of the major players in the scheme and they used Jim Donovan as a fall guy. This is why he is reinstated with full pay to a job that doesn't even exist and has no responsibilities.

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