Running for Office – An Experience to Cherish

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By Keli’i Akina – Thank you for helping to make my run for OHA Trustee a wonderful experience.  A significant number of Hawaii voters, more than 37,000 of them, spoke up with their votes for our message and leadership.  I am grateful for each and every one.

My congratulations go to Trustee Haunani Apoliona on her re-election. She has served the people of Hawai’i with true devotion and, I am confident, will continue to do so. My appreciation also goes to my fellow candidates in the race, Cal Lee, Walter Ritte, Keali’i Makekau, and Lancelot Lincoln.

All of you who have stood with me, encouraged me, and participated in our bid for public office, have come to mean so much.  Special thanks go to my campaign manager Annabelle Stone and the amazing team of volunteers she has led. Without them, our impact would not have been possible.  They deserve high praise and congratulations. I also thank Patty and our children for their sacrifices. I will cherish this experience and the trust many of you have placed in me.

Now I am eager to prayerfully seek the Lord to confirm the next step in His journey for me, and look forward to serving the greater good as He may lead.

Me kealoha pumehana,

Keli’i Akina

